In a fun rapid fire segment with an entertainment portal, Shraddha Kapoor reacts to a few 'hypothetical situations' and her replies will surely have you in awe of her. It's known to all that Shraddha is currently gearing up for her upcoming film, Saaho, in which she will be seen sharing screen space with Prabhas for the first time. When asked about how she would react if Prabhas proposes marriage to her, the actress rather gave a 'foodsome' reply. Shraddha Reveals Her ‘Foodie’ Side When asked how she would react if Prabhas proposes marriage to her she said that she would ask him to bring unlimited ‘khana'. She also revealed that because of Prabhas, she got to eat delicious food, while shooting Saaho. Shraddha On Doing A Romantic Film With SRK When asked how she would react if she's offered a romantic film with Shahrukh Khan, she said she would simply spread her arms (enacting SRK's signature pose' and would say ‘Bring it on'. ...
As surprising as it sounds but actress Deepika Padukone, who will be portraying the role of Kapil Dev's wife, Romi, says her personal equation with husband Ranveer Singh has nothing to do with 83. Mumbai Mirror quoted Deepika as saying, "As actors, you don't think about your personal equations while doing a film. You are fully focused on the moment and the character. You cease to exist as the person you are and only live the character that you are playing. Our personal equation won't have any role to play this film." In the same interview, Deepika also spoke about meeting Romi Dev and said that she feels extremely inspired whenever she meets her as she has an extremely refreshing energy. She also added that Romi Dev is not only knowledgeable but funny too. When asked what's that one quality of Romi Dev, she admires the most, she said, "I like her candour. Romi ji is someone who is extremely honest and when she needs to express herself, she does it ...